Hot radish salad

Do you want a side salad with some heat but avoiding chilli and spices? Then radish is your choice. Here I have used three coloured radish but this works just as well with the basic red variety that is common in most supermarkets. This is a salad to accompany other dishes, it is not a good source of carbohydrate or protein so cannot form the only part of a balanced meal. I have also added some nasturtium petals – these can be omitted if you are strictly following the low fodmap diet, they can also add to the heat of the dish.



1 bag of radish

A bag of green salad leaves (I used mixed chard and red lettuce.)

One or two edible washed nasturtium flowers



Wash then prepare the radishes three ways. – thinly slice, slice in two and prepare radish flowers.

Radish flowers are made by cutting a zigzag pattern with a knife half way along the radish then separating it in half – makes two flowers, then slice the base to provide a flat surface for it to sit on.

Add the washed salad leaves and radish to the dish with some nasturtium petals and chopped chard  stems for colour.

Serve as a side salad, you could add some dressing – but do check for those fodmaps!


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I am a state registered dietitian. My speciality is dietary treatment of gut disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, coeliac disease, lactose & fructose malabsorption and multiple food intolerances. I have had lots of experience in other areas of dietetics and I wished to start this blog to spread the word about evidence based dietary treatments and dispel much of the quackery that is common with these diseases. All information on this site is of a general nature and is based on UK based treatments and guidelines. Please see your healthcare practitioner should you need more country specific information.

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